Ways to Use Blended Earth

What Is Blended Earth and Its Uses:

Blended Earth is a high-quality soil product made from mushroom compost. The compost is created using nutrients from commercial mushroom farms to enhance mushroom growth. After harvesting, the compost is carefully sterilized and recycled into Blended Earth. We add our special ingredients to create a complete, ready-to-plant soil.

Blended Earth can be used in vegetable gardens, flower beds, as a soil amendment for new sod and topdressing for existing lawns. It provides soil conditioning, proper drainage, and does not contain synthetic compounds or human waste.

Raised Bed Gardening

Raised bed gardening is a popular technique for growing flowers and vegetables. There are various materials you can use to build a raised bed, such as landscape timbers or stone products. You can also find ready-to-build raised bed kits at garden centers or big-box stores. It is recommended to build your raised bed to a depth of at least 6” to 8”.

Before building your bed, remove any weeds or vegetation in the area. Place a thin layer of newspaper in the bed and wet it down to keep it in place. Fill the bed with Blended Earth to a depth of 6” to 8” for optimal results. Now you can start planting your flowers or vegetables.

No additional amendments, including fertilizer, are needed since Blended Earth is a “ready-to-plant” soil. Water your plants regularly throughout the growing season. For the next season, apply a thin layer of Blended Earth on top of your bed and till it into the existing soil. This will replenish nutrients and loosen any compaction. Over time, you may notice the settling of the Blended Earth, which is normal for any soil. By adding Blended Earth every growing season, you won’t need additional fertilizers.

Repair and Care for your Lawn

When repairing bare spots in your lawn, using sand is not an effective solution. Sand only levels uneven areas but does not provide nutrition for grass. Instead, use Blended Earth for more successful repair. Remove dead grass and debris from the bare spots and loosen the soil. Fill the area with Blended Earth and level it. If the bare area is larger, you can use sod to cover it. The more area you cover, the faster the damaged areas will fill in.

Blended Earth is also great for topdressing your entire lawn. Fill a wheelbarrow with Blended Earth and distribute it in mounds across your yard. Use a flexible leaf rake to gently brush the mounds into the turf for even coverage. Topdressing with Blended Earth will provide remarkable results and eliminate the need for additional synthetic fertilizers.

Tree and Shrub Planting Made Easy

For successful tree and shrub planting, use our Blended Earth soil. Dig a hole that is wider and slightly deeper than the root ball of the plant. Fill the bottom of the hole with Blended Earth, adjusting the depth so the top of the root ball sits 1” to 2” above the surrounding soil. Backfill the hole with Blended Earth and skip the need for additional amendments or fertilizer. Finish off by adding a layer of mulch over the newly planted area.

Premium Potting Soil for Containers

Blended Earth as a potting soil is perfect for container gardening, free of large sticks, twigs, or bark. It provides the necessary nutrition for your plants without the need for extra fertilizer. The soil conditioner in Blended Earth helps retain moisture and provide drainage for your container plants, whether your project is big or small.

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