Latitude 36™ Bermudagrass

Latitude 36 Bermudagrass is a top performer in the high-end turf market, suitable for athletic fields, tees, fringes, fairways, and roughs. It tolerates low mowing heights, recovers quickly from injury, and outshines other bermudagrasses in appearance.

Developed by Oklahoma State University, Latitude 36 is more than just cold-tolerant. It is highly rated by the National Turfgrass Evaluation Program (NTEP) and shows resistance to spring dead spot. This bermudagrass is one of the most cold-hardy varieties available, offering high traffic tolerance and exceptional visual appeal. It boasts excellent tensile strength and a finer texture compared to Celebration, Tifway 419, and NorthBridge. Latitude 36 is ideal for southern and transitional zone applications, including sports fields and golf courses.

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